See your world with new clarity.
You'll uncover the unique tapestry of your life from a new perspective that illuminates the hidden blind spots keeping you stuck and the rich resources you’ve been under-utilizing.
Benefit from top-notch therapeutic support + coaching in a dynamic container of like-minded women. Being part of these groups will accelerate your momentum – no matter what life throws your way.
Receive in-depth, personalized therapeutic care + coaching, so you can resolve longstanding issues and shorten the timeline for upgrading your world.
The primary therapeutic modalities we'll be using are Family & Systemic Constellation Therapy and Hakomi Therapy.
We'll jumpstart you out of a rut and get you moving in a more positive, empowering direction.
Receive strategic, comprehensive support to help you make the powerful inner changes that lead to beautiful outcomes.
- Abi Allanson
Literary Specialist
- Melissa Morehead
Senior Finance Consultant